Central to a time piece
The featured photographer for this week is Rob Tibbles and thisĀ sunset over Lundy really makes me look forward to the Spring when the setting sun starts to make its way across the horizon towards Lundy then Morte point....
The featured photographer for this week is Rob Tibbles and thisĀ sunset over Lundy really makes me look forward to the Spring when the setting sun starts to make its way across the horizon towards Lundy then Morte point....
Yes we have just uploaded a backlog of stunning pics including this one by Mr Tibbles! Looks unreal but I saw it too, though not with Mr Campbell (the aerial artiste we know and love) in the foreground, creating...
Wavedreamer’s woving weporter got out on the beach this morning and recorded the coming together of over 200 people to remove marine litter from Woolacombe beach. What a great event it was!
Join Ester, Rebecca and Maggie and dozens of other people for the Woolacombe beach clean on Saturday
After several years of trying to ride surfboards much shorter than my ability, weight and age would really allow I have listened to the voice of reason. Steve pp Has been surfing for allot longer than me and it...
Yes you have until Sunday evening to order a canvas or print online for pick up on Monday the 23rd! It might even be one of Gordon’s amazing sunsets from the sand dunes at Woolacombe!
Today is your last chance to order prints or canvas online for delivery by Santa Claus (aka Postie)
A surprise for Christmas! We now have hand picked (if that makes sense) collections to help you discover that magical photo you just have to have printed as a giant canvas! Oh and forgive us for the snow we...
These were some of the amazing Herrings we cooked in the embers of our gorse fire the other night, just wrapped them up in foil with some herbs and plonked them on. They taste like nothing else!
These beasts were watching over the fire, Rob posted the first bit of evidence from the wavedreamer gallery christmas party